We celebrated Matt's first birthday on Monday. I can't believe that he has grown so fast. This past year has been full of new experiences and we've learned a lot as new parents. Matt is such a blessing in our lives. He has a lot of energy and fun to be around. He is drinking from sippy cups now or steals sips from our cups...he loves drinking from real cups. He is eating real food mostly, getting baby food fruits still. He can pull up to anything that has any kind of hand hold- stereos, drawers, fireplace ahhhh, sofa, toys, and his crib. He likes for you to hold his hands and let him walk around. He is still army crawling even though he gets up onto all fours and looks like he is considering to really crawl. He takes two naps a day, which is a huge blessing for me! Matt likes to hide things, or put them into drawers, shut the drawer and then open to find his toy still there. He loves books. When we are putting him to sleep, we sit in the glider and he pulls books off of the side table to read. If I pick one he is not interested in, he will push it away without hesitation. I guess he knows what he wants at such a young age. His new favorite thing to do is to point to things. He points to his humidifier a lot because it glows. He points to our drinks. He is always pointing to outside, he loves being outside. Anyways! Here are some more pictures of his party. Thanks to everyone who came and celebrated with us!
With the warmer weather and sunshine, Josh and I took Matt to our neighborhood park this past weekend. They had kiddie swings and Matt seemed okay to swing by himself. We also took the chance to snap some family photos with our new lens. Enjoy....
We are celebrating Matt's 1 year birthday on Monday April 13th at 6:30pm. Please stop by for cake and ice cream, and of course to watch Matt destroy and eventually wear his cake! Call me or Josh if you have any questions.
Josh and I are coming up on our 3 year anniversary at the end of this month. I know its a little early to start celebrating, but whenever April rolls around I always think back to the start of our lives together. April is kind of "our month". Josh and Matt both have April birthdays. And then the obvious, our anniversary. I just wanted to take a moment to tell my sweetie how much I love him and how blessed I feel to have him by my side. I feel like we are such a perfect fit for each other. Josh brings so much fun and excitement to our home. He always has new ideas of things to do or places to go. Matt is always glad to see him after being with Mom all day. Anyways, I love you sweetheart! Thank you for such an amazing, joyful 3 years!
He even gets excited when he hears the bath tub water coming on. He loves to "swim" in the tub- if we sit him on his toosh he immediately moves to his belly and does his army crawl in the tub. The end result looks like an attempt to swim. He swats at his toys and then all the sudden will back up to the opposite end of the tub. His latest trick is to try to drink bath water- GROSS! He will lower his face oh-so-carefully till his mouth hits the water then he jerks his head up again. Also, if we turn on the water while he is in the tub he tries to stick his hands or head under it. All the many things to explore in the tub. He has some toys that squirt water and he is fascinated with how Dad and I can get them to magically squirt water when he tries so hard and can not do so. Here is the real reason for this post....more pictures of my baby! He is growing up so fast, he will be 1 year in less than 2 weeks. I am working on a small party- cake and ice cream- will let you all know the details soon!
Josh and I have been blissfully married for six years now. Our son Matthew is growing up so fast and is 100% boy. Our little Emma loves to hug babies, eat candy and read books to her brother. Life sure is full, but thankfully most of the time its full with joy .