Thursday, December 24, 2009

My New Hobby

Heather doesn't like it when I 'show off' but I have a new hobby (woodworking) and I finished a Christmas Tree that I've been working of for a little bit and I wanted to share. I carved it from one of the branches of our Aspen tree that fell over this summer. And just so we are on the same page, I'm not 'showing off' I'm just excited that it turned out okay.


mormongrandpablogger said...

Very nicely done Fred. Keep it up and you will be doing professional stuff.

Amy said...

sounds A little braggadocios to me! just kidding...great work! justin and i can't wait to get a beautifully carved bookcase from you!

April and Davey said...

nice work brotha.
keep it up.

April said...

Cool! i remember you carving some sticks when we went to green river lakes. Show it off. Its cool.