Thursday, January 15, 2009

Life in 2009

I forgot to say "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" I hope everyone has had a good start so far this year . Life around our house is back to normal. We partied hard around the holidays with my parents and sister's family driving out from NC to join us. We had a blast and loved being surrounded by our family. Matthew really enjoyed all the extra play-mates and attention. And Josh and I really enjoyed all the babysitters!!!

The normal daily routine is back now and its just me and Matt hanging out all day. Routines, even though they feel boring sometimes, are actually a great thing. I get a lot accomplished around the house because I follow the same routine almost everyday. I know how to allocate my time around Matt's schedule.

Bedtime routines are the most amazing things ever! Josh and I have read a lot of baby sleep books the last 9 months...(Matt hasn't been the easiest babe to put to sleep)...and they all talked about the importance of establishing and keeping bedtime routines. Doing the same thing at the same time every night helps babies realize its bedtime and it helps them to fall asleep. Well, until 2 weeks ago we've fought with Matt every night to get him to go to bed and stay asleep all night. Finally, we started making a routine around 8 pm. We get him ready for bed (bath, pj's). We read books(even though he shows no interest in listening and would rather eat the book). We turn on a Primary CD. We give him his pacifier and a blanket. We rock him for 10 minutes or so (until he is pretty drowsy and almost asleep). Then, miracle of all miracles he goes to sleep when we lay him in his crib at 8:30! If he does wake up and fuss, it is for literally 15 seconds. Then he falls right back asleep. We should have tried this sooner.

THIS IS A HUGE, LIFE CHANGING DEAL FOR US! We used to spend up to 2-2.5 hours every night putting Matt to bed. We would be grumpy and exhausted because our baby would wake up and cry an hour after we thought we had him asleep. Now, its 30 minutes total and its a happier time for Matt. He only fusses now if we are running late for his routine. I think Matt likes having a schedule. Now, Josh and I get to relax and enjoy a couple of hours together every night! Those baby book authors must know what they are talking about.

Obviously, that's the best part of 2009 for our family so far. I've started to use our recycling can this month, and its been fun to figure out all the things we can recycle. Its amazing how full it can get in a week, and it makes me regret not recycling sooner. Josh has been busy at work and often comes home with "Thinking too much" headaches. Seems like they were anxious to get him back to work after his break and the Holidays. Josh went to his ortho doctor last week. The break hasn't healed all the way yet, but the doc gave Josh full use of his arm from now on. He can start lifting things heavier than 2 lbs (even though he already was, shhhh!) and he can play sports again, as long as he is careful.

Whew, I think I'll call it quits.


Melissa DeMoux said...

Congrats on the better sleep. I know that has been hard on all of you. I'm really glad that you found something that works.

Melissa DeMoux said...
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mormongrandpablogger said...

Too bad you didn't have 'catnip' like we had for Melissa. I think we had to find out the routine part of nighttime by trial and error. I wasn't going to read some dumb book by some guy who probably didn't even have kids. See what pride does to us. Guess that gives you guys more relax time after he goes to bed. Congrats on being smarter than we were.