Sunday, March 21, 2010

Wood Carvings

If you've been following our blog at all you know that I've taken up woodworking as a hobbie over the last couple of months. Well, I have two new projects that are almost done, both are carvings. The first is a turtle that I carved out of a 6 inch long and about 4 inch round piece of aspen.

The second carving is of a seashell. The idea is that if I ever get good enough to make bookcases or desks or chairs I want to be able to do a relief carving in them to make them unique so with that in my I decided I needed to practice. This was carved out of a 5"X4" piece of pine that I had laying around. And just so you know I didn't smooth out the background on purpose. Heather and I both liked the 'rough' look of it so I left the chisel marks as they were.


Melissa DeMoux said...

Boy, Duh-Head, you are getting good!

mormongrandpablogger said...

Very nice. I always knew lefties had special talent but you never showed this when you were younger. Hidden away was an artist. Keep it up and I will invite you to bid on some projects I have in mind.