Monday, March 9, 2009

Matt and the Backyard

Well, Heather went to work this past weekend so it was Matt and I home alone. Those days are always nice because if he gets upset he can't go crying to mom, after about 15 minutes I think he realizes its just me and him so he deals with getting whatever comfort he needs from me.

Anyway, it was a somewhat warmer day so we decided to go out and play in the backyard, well, more like on the back patio. He loved to sit there and watch the cars go by. Here's a little clip of him enjoying his outside time.

Also, here are some pics of people besides Matt as it seems like he's the only one who gets any love on the blog (okay, so he's in the pictures too)

Matt and his lovely momma

Matt and dad

This is my brother Joel, we took some senior pics for him this past week and this is one of the ones that we liked.


April said...

good job Josh!! your a great dad. I love the part when you tell him not to eat the crusty old strawberry bush. Oh and im so glad you got your internet problem solved. i was getting worried.

Donnovan and Angela said...

Those are great pics and video. He is crawling really good now that is the first I have seen of him crawl since we were out there. Keep posting those video clips I love to watch them. We miss you guys and wish we was out there with you!!!

Melissa DeMoux said...

Love the video, I am impressed that he listened and didn't eat the withered, dead plant.

mormongrandpablogger said...

I hope Matt is as obedient later as he is right now. He gets around really well with the 'GI Joe' crawl.