Thursday, December 4, 2008

Three Weeks Later

Well, it's been three weeks now since I broke my arm. I had surgery on the 19th of November to place a plate and 12 screws along the humerus bone in my arm. I got all 35 of my staples removed this past Tuesday, Dec 2nd, and now I just have a 9 inch scar waiting to get ugly. Doc says I'm not allowed to lift anything over 2lbs so that makes me pretty much useless around the house. Heather says she doesn't mind, but we all know that is a load. I'm pretty much a 2nd baby for her to take care of until January.

I thought I'd include a couple pics for your visual enjoyment. The first one is an xray of my arm after surgery and then before surgery.

This second pic is of my arm before I got the staples taken out. It just gives you an idea of how big the incision was and how huge of a scar I'm going to have for the rest of my life.


Parish & Becca said...

You should be more worried about your face, you look like death in this picture ;p

Melissa DeMoux said...

Ugh, yuck Duh-Head. What a mess. I'm glad you are healing. Did it hurt to have the staples out? Heather, you are a hero. Hope all of you are doing alright.

Ashlee said...

Holy crap! Looks way worse than Heather made it sound on the phone! Hope you have a good recovery and let us know if you need any help with all that stuff over 2 pounds!

April said...

that is INSANE!!!! I cant believe that. hope you heal fast.